08 Oct 2020
Everything you need to know about securing a new build during lockdown and Covid19 – contains advice from our Land and New Homes Team and guidance on what you can and can’t do when buying a new build in Surrey and Hampshire during these uncertain times. What’s happening in the new home market? What new home developers do Bridges work with?
Hi Its Alan from Bridges New Homes team.
We just wanted to drop you a little line to let you know we are still working at the moment although things are being carried out slightly differently, we are reserving units, we are completing units we have a number of exchange and simultaneous completions and you watch the rest this video will be able to explain to you how we’re doing so!
As I mentioned previously the most difficult thing at the moment is obviously viewing so with the current government guidance it’s quite hard to get you guys out to have a look at properties but what we can do is send you details, we have short video tours on a number of our properties or anything you specifically are interested in we can arrange skype or facetime tours.
We understand you guys are going to have concerns about how do Ireserve a property without viewing it in the flesh? We’ve been working closely with a number of our clients to put measures in place so you can reserve your dream home with no risk or very little for more information please contact us on 01252 361550 go to www.bridges.co.uk
Hi Jason from Bridges lettings just wanted to give you an update on the letting side of the business and just give you a bit of an insight as to how we’re finding it at the moment. We are still renting properties! Believe it or not the market in general is actually surprisingly quite good by working specifically with our land and new homes Department we’ve been able to secure tenants for almost a dozen properties owned by their clients so what the how we’ve managed to do this quite simply is we establish our very early on at a start when we initially went into lockdown the potential tenants and applicants have been split into two groups we’ve got the first group of applicants that are applicants that would like to move but they’re quite happy to wait until the lockdown is over and then we’ve also got the second group of applicants who it is essential for then to move during this time and they have to move so the way in which we were able to secure these tenders at the moment is by working very very closely with that second group of applicants which we’ve been able to separate in our internal database and by using coupled with that and the mobile walkthroughs that we’ve been doing as well we’ve been able to send those mobile walkthroughs to specific applicants that we know are in a position to move and have to move now and to be able to secure tenants for your properties so far since the first of March we’ve actually moved close to 100 tenants into properties so I’ve been speaking to a lot of people recently that are a bit unsure as to whether or not to rent their property and because of the uncertain times but those statistics that I’ve just given you they’re across just one and a half months and coming up to two months now kind of proved that the rental market is still there and there are if you work in the right way plenty of tenants looking for property still so please do bear that in mind when you’re looking for properties to buy rent out during this time.
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