13 Jun 2023
At Bridges, we are more than just an estate agent. With our …
Some weeks ago during the government coronavirus update, Professor Chris Witty announced that we are starting to see the green shoots of recovery and that if we all stick to the plan we will overcome this terrible virus. There is certainly a big pat on the back due for everyone who is staying at home, saving the NHS and saving lives.
One thing all of us at Bridges and Orchard agree with is that time is going extremely quickly, in fact days fly by and then so do weeks and before you know it a month is gone. In April we predicted that we would see some form of activity in the housing market, but in all honesty expected it to be strangely subdued. Well, I can safely tell you now that we were wrong. In April we MOVED 154 people in and out of properties who were allowed under government guidance, including NHS staff and key workers. We agreed deals for another 146 clients to move into their new homes in the coming months and we have held hundreds of virtual meetings to bring property to the market when the lockdown relaxed. All in all we were pleased with our decision to have a good number of our staff working remotely when at one point we felt like the odd ones out when every other agent seemed to be working on just a skeleton staff.
As we move into May, I think the whole country is hoping for some form of relaxation to the lockdown and the word out there is that it will be staggered. If forecasters are right, we could be one of the very first industries to return to our offices and resume some form of normality. Of course, we have had a team busy planning our return to the offices whilst adhering to social distancing and we have also put in place guidance in the company of how we are going to conduct physical valuations and viewing appointments when we return. The expectation is that it will be with gloves, masks, sanitisers and a policy to limit visits by carrying out as much work on one appointment as possible.
Things we have learnt during lockdown and we will be continuing:
Lets get started! Our valuations are based on our extensive knowledge of the whole of the market.
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